2025 Municipal Election

As the Nomination and Election Day approaches, more information will be posted on this page.
Smoky Lake County's next municipal election will take place on October 20, 2025.

Elections will be held for the five (5) Councillor positions, one from each of the five (5) electoral divisions. The Chief Elected Official (otherwise known as the Reeve) is elected from amongst its members at the annual Organizational Meeting every October.

Important Dates

October 31, 2024                                           Campaign Period
Municipal Affairs Statutes Amendment Act in effect. Campaign period for 2025 Election begins.
Candidates may submit a Notice of Intent to Run. Prospective candidates can submit their notice of intent from now until September 22, 2025. Candidates may raise funds for their election campaigns during the campaign period, after they submit a notice of intent and appear on the Registry of Candidates.

 January 1 -    September 22, 2025                                   Nomination Period
To become a nominated candidate and appear on the ballot, a candidate must complete the nomination process and file all necessary forms and paperwork during the Nomination Period from January 1 to September 22, 2025.
 September 22, 2025  

Nomination Day
All required nomination forms and paperwork must be submitted to Smoky Lake County by 12:00 PM (Noon) on Monday, September 22, 2025.

 October 20, 2025  Election Day
Unofficial results will be released as they become available after the voting stations close.



The information on this page is subject to change and/or additional information may be posted as it becomes available. Please consult the Local Authorities Election Act (LAEA) and the Municipal Affairs Statutes Amendment Act, 2024, as a comprehensive guide to the election and the changes within. It is the candidate’s responsibility to read and understand any election-related material. It is recommended to consult relevant statutes, regulations and bylaw(s), or obtain legal advice for clarification.



Notice of Intent to Run

Register of Candidates

Eligibility to Run for Office

Nomination Information