Richardson Ground Squirrels (Urocitellus richardsonii)
On March 4, 2020 under the authority of the Pest Control Products Act Health Canada has cancelled the registration of all strychnine products used to control Richardson ground squirrels.
Richardson’s Ground Squirrels (commonly known as ‘gophers’) are found in many areas throughout Alberta.
High populations of ground squirrels can create serious problems in rural areas by competing with livestock for forage, destroying food crops, potentially injuring livestock (if they fall into the holes), damage haying equipment due to soil mounds from their burrows and may prey on the eggs and young of ground-nesting birds.
Rozol bait is a registered anti-coagulant poison. Anti-coagulants are available in several grain bait forms, as well as a liquid concentrate that can be mixed with grain. Anti-coagulants do not pose a significant risk to non-target animals. The most effective time to use Rozol is in late March, after the female ground squirrels have come out of hibernation. To be effective, ground squirrels must consume more than one meal over a two- or three-day period. Rozol can be purchased from most farm supply stores.
View this Agri-Facts for more information on Managing Richardson's Ground Squirrels