Filing a Subdivision or Development Appeal

The Subdivision and Development Appeal Board has jurisdiction to hear:

Appeals regarding Development Decisions:

  • A Development Permit decision that has been refused or approved
  • Conditions of an approved Development Permit
  • An order directing that either construction or the present use of a property be stopped
  • A Deemed Refusal (the Development Authority has not made a decision within 40 days of the receipt of an application)

Appeals regarding Subdivision Decisions:

  • A refused subdivision or an unacceptable condition(s) of an approved subdivision
  • A Deemed Refusal (The Subdivision Authority has not made a decision within 60 days of the receipt of an application)

How to File

  • A valid appeal must contain reasons for filing the appeal and must be accompanied by the required appeal fees.
  • Appeals can be filed by property owners, affected persons, and their representatives. Prior to filing an appeal, consult the Development Officer or Subdivision Authority to ensure you have all the information about the proposed development.
  • Once a valid appeal is received a hearing will be scheduled within 30 days.
  • A valid email address is required to file online.

In-person or by mail

  • Print an appeal form from the link below or contact our office for a paper copy.
  • The completed appeal form, along with the required appeal fee, must be received in our office by the appeal deadline date. (Office hours are 8:00 am to Noon and 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm).
  • If filing by mail, you must allow time for delivery. Cheques are to be made payable to the municipality in which the appeal lies. 

Personal information is collected for the purpose of Subdivision and Development appeals and will be used for administrative purposes, processing your appeal and as evidence in your appeal. This information will form part of a file that is publicly available. Collection is authorized under section 33(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act and is managed and protected in accordance with the Act. For questions about the collection, please contact the ISDAB Clerk.