Beavers Castor (canadensis)

The beaver is Canada’s largest rodent. On average, it can grow to weigh between 16 to 32 kg and measure 60 to 80 cm in length. The beaver has a thick-set body covered with dark, reddish brown fur. They have small front paws and large hind webbed feet. Beavers have a horizontally flattened and paddle-shaped black tail, which has a scaly texture.
Beavers build dams to flood their chosen location, making the area more habitable for themselves. In developing and maintaining their habitat, beavers may remove and damage trees, block watercourses and cause excessive flooding, which can damage roads and infrastructure.
Smoky Lake County does not trap on private land unless it is impacting County infrastructure (road flooding) in which case we will always obtain landowner permission first to go on the land to trap the problem beavers. For beaver issues on private land, ratepayers will need to hire their own trapper at their expense.
Owners or renters of agricultural land which is being flooded by beavers can be compensated $15.00/ tail providing the problem area has FIRST been verified by the Agricultural Fieldman and the application form is completed. Beaver tails from approved problem areas can be turned into the Agricultural Fieldman or Assistant Agricultural Fieldman at the Main County Office.
Please schedule an appointment prior to drop off by calling 780-656-3730.
- Policy Statement No. 62-07-06: Beaver Management Program
- Agricultural Decision Matrix Tool for Beaver Management
- Human-Wildlife Conflict: Beavers