Agricultural Services

Farm & Ranch Wildfire Preparedness 

The agricultural setting presents additional hazards such as equipment, fencing, bales, compost and manure and large open fields of cured grasses that act as fuel. 

Before you are confronted with an unexpected wildfire, create a plan to prepare for, respond to and recover from wildfire. Whether your farm operation includes livestock, crops or both, having a plan will help keep your family, farm employees, livestock, crops and property safe from wildfire.

Looking to create a wildfire plan for your farming operations? 

The Producer Farm and Ranch Wildfire Workbook will walk you through it!

Agricultural Service Boards (ASB)

Every rural municipality in Alberta has an appointed Agricultural Service Board (ASB) formed through a partnership with Alberta Agriculture and Forestry. The primary function of ASB's is to assist producers to achieve sustainable agricultural production as well as considering environmental and social issues as they relate to agriculture. 

ASB members are appointed by the local municipal council, comprising of any combination of public or private individuals who develop policies for their local agricultural sector.

Agricultural Service Board Members

Councillor MemberDan Gawalko
Councillor MemberJered Serben
Alt Councillor MemberLorne Halisky
Alt Councillor MemberDominique Cere
Producer-At-Large MemberTori Ponich
Producer-At-Large MemberCurtis Boychuk
Producer-At-Large MemberTamara Flondra
Alt Producer-At-Large MemberKurt Melnyk
Alt Producer-At-Large MemberBrett Rurka

More information on Agricultural Service Boards can be found HERE.

Agricultural Service Board Duties: 

(a)  to act as an advisory body and to assist the council and the Minister, in matters of mutual concern,

(b)  to advise on and to help organize and direct weed and pest control and soil and water conservation programs,

(c)  to assist in the control of animal disease under the Animal Health Act,

(d) to promote, enhance and protect viable and sustainable agriculture with a view to improving the economic viability of
     the agricultural producer, and

(e)  to promote and develop agricultural policies to meet the needs of the municipality.

The ASB is bound by the terms of the Agricultural Service Board Act

Agricultural Fieldmen are unique to Alberta and belong to the Association of Alberta Agricultural Fieldmen. Agricultural Fieldmen help develop, implement, and control programs designed to carry-out priorities and policies set by their local ASB and are appointed as inspectors or regulatory officers to administer the 4 acts for which Alberta municipalities and counties have legal obligations. The 4 acts are:

Agricultural Fieldmen also assist in the provincial enforcement of the Animal Health Act

Department Contact Information

Carleigh Danyluk, Agricultural Fieldman
Office: 780-656-3730 or toll free 1-888-656-3730