Heritage Management


Heritage Management in Smoky Lake County 

Regional Heritage Management Plan 

Regional Heritage Management Plan Policy 61.20 (2012) 

  The purpose of the Smoky Lake Region Heritage Management Plan is to provide a useful and proactive framework to encourage and facilitate heritage conservation activities in the Smoky Lake Region. The Plan is to serve as a guide for future initiatives for the identification, stewardship and management of heritage resources within the Region.



Designation of Municipal Historic Resources Policy 


Designation of Municipal Historic Resources Policy 61.15

The purpose of the Smoky Lake Region Heritage Management Plan is to provide a useful and proactive framework to encourage and facilitate heritage conservation activities in the Smoky Lake Region. The Plan is to serve as a guide for future initiatives for the identification, stewardship and management of heritage resources within the Region.

Owners of historic places that are listed in the Smoky Lake Region Inventory of Historic Places are encouraged to apply for Municipal Historic Resource Designation. All applications for Designation are to be submitted to the Smoky Lake County Regional Heritage Board.



Regional Heritage Inventory 


Smoky Lake Region Heritage Survey and Inventory Project (2012)

In 2009, Smoky Lake County, in cooperation with the Town of Smoky Lake and the Villages of Waskatenau and Vilna, embarked on an ambitious project to identify and catalogue the heritage assets in the region and provide a management framework for the preservation of these resources.

The first step of this process was to survey these assets and create The Smoky Lake Region Survey of Historic Places to be further studied as the process evolved. Further evaluation of the Places of Interest identified a total of 93 sites that would have draft Statements of Significance prepared for them detailing the character-defining elements of the historic resource that are to be preserved.

  The resulting document, The Smoky Lake Region Inventory of Historic Places consolidates these Statements of Significance into one document. Once a historic resource is placed on the Smoky Lake Region Inventory of Historic Places, it becomes eligible for designation as a Provincially designated Municipal Historic Resource, at which time it may qualify for grant funding.